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Suggestions 1 - 10 from48
  • Christmas Fair at Sagrada Família

    Christmas Fair at Sagrada Família

    Following the Catalan tradition of stands devoted to the Christmas holidays, the fair of the Sagrada Família offers many types of complements, from figures and accessories for the traditional nativity scenes to Christmas trees and various decorations. The handicrafts from different countries and by different artists also stand out. The festive atmosphere around this characteristic area of Barcelona is complemented with stands of craft foods such as torrons, cheeses, cold meats, sweets and chestnuts.

  • September 11th Catalonia’s National Day

    September 11th Catalonia’s National Day

    On September 11th 1714 the city of Barcelona fell after a long siege by the duke of Berwick in the War of the Spanish Succession. The French Bourbons were fighting against the Austrian Habsburgs to obtain the control of the Spanish Crown. This date also represented the abolition of the Catalan civil institutions and rights. September 11th was chosen for its symbolism to commemorate Catalonia's National Day (Diada Nacional de Catalunya). During the whole day protest activities, as well as entertaining ones, take place in Barcelona and in other towns throughout the country. Traditionally, in the morning of September 11th the political parties and entities bring floral tributes to the monument of Rafael de Casanova, who had an outstanding participation in the War of the Spanish Succession. Many museums of Barcelona also take part in this event with an open day.  

  • La Castanyada

    La Castanyada

    La Castanyada is a traditional festival that is deeply rooted in Catalonia and celebrated on the evening of 31st October and 1st November, All Saint's Day. People eat chestnuts – castanyes in Catalan –, panellets - small balls of almond paste coated in pine nuts –, sweet potatoes and other autumnal produce. You can make panellets at home or buy them in the pastry shops and bakeries of Barcelona.

    This public holiday is celebrated with family, friends and even in schools. It is often accompanied by chestnuts and panellets (traditional marzipan cookies) served with sweet dessert wine. Around the time of this celebration, specialist vendors take to the streets to sell their hot freshly-roasted chestnuts.

    The Castanyada (Chestnut Festival) and All Saints Day indicate that summer is over and that colder weather is on the way.

  • Sant Medir Festival

    Sant Medir Festival

    Every March, the children of Barcelona enjoy one of the "sweetest" festivals of the city. The streets and squares of the charming district of Gràcia become a festival of sweets, bands and horse carriages. This is the Sant Medir Festival and according to tradition originates from the Saint who lived in the year 303 in Barcelona under the Roman rule of Diocletian, who intensely persecuted Christians. According to legend, Sant Medir's beans grew immediately after they were planted and for this he was taken prisoner. A hermitage was built where the Saint lived to mark the starting point of the pilgrimage. In 1830, a baker from the district of Gràcia made a pilgrimage to the hermitage on his Saint's Day to thank the Saint for a honoured promise. Today, this pilgrimage has become a popular tradition with the participation of "colles" from the districts of Gràcia, Sarrià and Sants. Each year,

  • Santa Eulàlia Festival

    Santa Eulàlia Festival

    The Santa Eulàlia Festival, the winter festival of Barcelona, is for all the family. During these magical days, tribute is paid to the brave Laia, the girl who rebelled to defend her aims. For the city of Barcelona, this girl was a symbol of solidarity, in defence of justice and commitment to young people. Santa Eulàlia and la Mare de Déu de la Mercè are co-patron saints of Barcelona. To celebrate this festival, different activities are organized for all the family. You can't miss the giants, the processions or the firework street run, human towers, sardanas dancing and musical bands throughout different routes of the city, apart from other activities for both young and old.
    On 12th February, the Santa Eulàlia feast day, several events are held, such as raising the Penó de Santa Eulàlia (reproduction of an old banner of the city) on the balcony of City Hall, sardanas dancing, giants...

  • Family Activities at Poble Espanyol

    Family Activities at Poble Espanyol

    A large area, totally free of traffic, with different places to explore, most of them in the open air. That's the Poble Espanyol de Barcelona, an iconic visitor attraction in the heart of Montjuïc. Every weekend, there's a different activity: theatre, dance, music, magic, treasure hunts, etc. Throughout the year there are loads of activities to ensure you have a great day out with the family: Carnival, a Giants' Parade, a Puppet Festival, the Click and Go Fair, the Main Festival, the Medieval Fair, Christmas at the Poble, Halloween... and many more surprises!. In short, a wide range of activities for all the family.

    This year, before the Futbol Club Barcelona matches, enjoy the Barça Fest: music, entertainment, gastronomy and many activities for the whole family to enjoy in the hours before the match. Experience the culé passion on the way to the stadium!*

    *This activity is not included in the general admission to Poble Espanyol.

  • Sant Fèlix Day in Vilafranca

    Sant Fèlix Day in Vilafranca

    Of all the memorable Catalan traditions, which include 'fire runs' and dancing 'giants', it's arguably the human towers that have the most impact on those watching them. To enjoy a true festival of these castells, head to Vilafranca de Penedès for its annual festa major, from the 29th August to the 2nd September, which commemorates the town's patron Sant Fèlix.

    The casteller groups that have more participated in the San Félix Day, August 30, have been els Xiquets de Valls (currently, the Colla Vella and the Colla Joves), the Castellers de Vilafranca and the Minyons de Terrassa. Even so, also has participated els Nens del Vendrell, Colla Jove Xiquets de Tarragona, els Xicots de Vilafranca, among others. Each human tower is an exemplary example of team work, from the crowd forming the supporting pinya at the bottom via the columns formed as each level rises and culminating with the youngest members of the crew scampering right to the very top to crown the construction, which is officially completed once the smallest of all (l'enxaneta) raises his or her hand. Cue thunderous applause.

  • Penedès Grape Harvest Festival

    Penedès Grape Harvest Festival

    The grape harvest festival is the period during which the tradition of wine producing is celebrated. During the weeks of the harvest, you can find out all about the vineyards, wineries and their wines throughout the various wine production regions of Catalonia. These celebrations give rise to a variety of activities: guided visits of the wineries, getting to know about and taking part in the wine-making process, wine and cava tastings combined with the sampling of delicious locally produced food and other activities. In addition to wine- and food-related activities, you can also enjoy complementary leisure pursuits suitable for any age group or profile. Below is just a selection of the recommended activities for you to enjoy this thousand year-old cultural experience to the full!

  • Switchingon of the Christmas lights

    Switchingon of the Christmas lights

    Dates 2024 not yet confirmed

    The streets of Barcelona welcome Christmas with light and colour. From November, the Christmas spirit will light up until January. The motifs of the lighting are different and varied: you will find traditional lights and also highly innovative compositions which invite you to experience and enjoy what the city is planning for these festivities.

  • Carnival


    Dates 2025 not yet confirmed

    Carnival, a festivity based on the lunar calendar and eagerly anticipated by Catalans, always begins on a Thursday (Fat Thursday) and ends on the following Wednesday (Ash Wednesday). Carnival is synonymous with partying, bustling crowds, costumes, parades and so on. In short, it is a week given over to hedonism and having a good time being the forerunner to the period of fasting and deprivation represented by the Christian tradition of Lent.

    These days, beyond the excesses, Carnival is a light-hearted popular festival based around the crazy figure named El Rei Carnestoltes (The Carnival King). While carnival is celebrated in almost every town and village throughout Catalonia, the places that historically stand out for their particular traditions are Barcelona, Sitges, Vilanova i la Geltrú and Torelló. However, wherever you may be during the festivities, you will be able to try some of the delicious traditional Carnival dishes: the coca de llardons (flatbread with pancetta) or botifarra d'ou (pork sausage containing egg).

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